Hospitals and Clinics
Despite frequent sanitization, use of PPE, and general precautions, Mulanje has had many COVID-19 cases. The toll on medical workers is hard to imagine.
Lydia, a 28-year-old first-time mother, faced challenges reaching Mulanje Mission Hospital (MMH) at 35 weeks gestation. She traveled for three hours on a motorbike and received care for preterm premature rupture of membranes. At MMH, Lydia experienced supportive nurses, clear information, and assistance during labor. She delivered a healthy baby girl on antibiotics at the nursery ward. Lydia is grateful for her baby’s care and the Service Level Agreement (SLA) program, which provides essential care without financial burden.
Lydia’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of YOUR faithfulness and continuing support for MMH and the other hospitals in Malawi. You provide essential medical care and foster a sense of community and empowerment for mothers and their children. Through your generosity, you are helping to create a brighter future for families like Lydia’s.
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