The Faculté des Sciences In­firmières de Université Episcopale d’Haïti also known as FSIL or the Faculty of Nursing Science of the Episcopal University of Haiti was founded in 2005. The school was the first in Haiti to offer a baccalaureate curriculum in nursing and has been ranked as the top nursing school in the country by the Ministry of Health. Known for the high standards of nursing education available, the school was founded through a partnership between MBF, the Presbyterian Church, and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti. Through 2020, 13 classes have graduated. Today over 230 students attend FSIL and pursue Master or Bachelor level degrees in nursing. The school’s curriculum is aimed at making sure the students graduate with the technical knowledge as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed by the modern nurse. Students intern at one or more of eight hospitals including Hopital Ste-Croix de Leogane. Those who receive scholarships must commit to two years of service in Haiti after graduation.

The establishment of FSIL is commemorated on this plaque at the school.

Students participate in daily flag-raising ceremony.

Rebecca is 22 years old, in her first year at FSIL. She is third of six children from a family in Leogane. Rebecca shares that she has wanted to be a nurse since she was a little girl. She says “I have always loved this profession, because it is a noble profession, and being a well-educated nurse who knows what she is doing” provides room for a lot of growth. She continues that she loves being at FSIL “because FSIL has a lot of discipline to respect; at FSIL all students respect each other, leaders require us to study and work to be successful, and they help their students.” Rebecca hopes to continue her work and studies and ultimately achieve a Doctorate in Nursing Science.

FSIL library provides resources and a quiet place for students to study.

Students prepare for capping ceremony.