Hospitals and Clinics
The nursing program at Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences (ECOHS) is one of the fastest-growing in the country. Offering six different certificate and diploma programs, the college’s graduates have achieved more than 95% passing rate in their Nurses Council licensure exams over the past three years.
Founded in 1946, the college is one of the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) training colleges under the proprietorship of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), Synod of Livingstonia. It is located 25km from Mzuzu City, just a kilometer off the M1 road to Karonga and Tanzania in the Northern Region of Malawi.
Currently 873 students are enrolled including 20 Mary K Scholars who pursue their dreams of a nursing career because of generous gifts to MBF.
Students in classroom at Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences.
Nursing student teaches community members about COVID awareness and prevention.
Students gather for event at ECOHS.
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